Crabcakes with Aioli - Inn at Cedar Falls

Serves 6
1 can backfin crabmeat – drained (1 lb. can)
½ small red onion – finely diced
3 each garlic cloves – mashed
3 tbsp. red bell pepper – finely diced
2 tbsp. chopped herbs (parsley, thyme, rosemary)
¼ cup mayo
2 tbsp. bread crumbs
kosher salt and pepper
extra virgin olive oil

½ cup mayo
3 tbsp. orange juice
pinch ground cayenne pepper

1. Place all the crab cake ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well but gently as not to break up the crab meat too much. Season to taste.

2. Divide the mixture into six parts. Form portions into cakes.

3. Heat a sauté pan over medium heat and add a tbsp of olive oil to the pan. Place the cakes in the pan and turn the heat down to low for about a minute or so. Turn carefully and place the whole pan in the oven for about 5 or 6 minutes to heat through.

4. While the cakes are in the oven, make the aioli. Place all the ingredients in a small mixing bowl and mix thoroughly. Season to taste.

5. Remove the cakes from the oven and place on a bed of mixed greens and drizzle the aioli across and serve.



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