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4 medium sized cucumbers
10 medium-sized tomatoes
2 large onions
2 medium-sized green peppers
3 teaspoons garlic, chopped
14 oz. French bread, trimmed and crumbled
3 cups cold water
6 tablespoons red wine vinegar
6 teaspoons salt
1/3 cup olive oil
5 teaspoons tomato puree
Peel and coarsely chop cucumber, tomatoes and onion. Seed pepper, remove pith and coarsely chop.
Put cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, green pepper, garlic and bread into a bowl and mix thoroughly. Stir in water, vinegar and salt. Puree in batches in blender.
Pour puree into bowl and whisk in olive oil and tomato puree. Serve with small croutons, finely chopped onion, cucumbers and green pepper.