Our New Crush...

We kind of have a crush on our new bread line from Dan the Baker.This Columbus-born bakery (whose wares are found at Alana's and Mouton) specializes in european style breads and pastries. Using old world techniques, Dan the Baker employs only sourdough cultures to raise the breads, imparting a unique and delicious character to every loaf. 

All grains, seeds and nuts used in production of these breads are organic, and, like The Hills Market, they focus on using a variety of local and seasonal produce and specialty foods. Products are hand-crafted to the highest quality specifications, always.  

Look for these amazing breads in our Bakery and stop by Ohio Market Day on Saturday, March 10th for a free taste!

Frisco Sour
Rosemary Olive Oil
Normandy Rye
Roasted Garlic Asiago
Roasted Sesame
Sprouted Multigrain
Roasted Walnut 

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