We Couldn't Ask for a Better Chocolate.

At long last, we now have Askinosie Chocolate at The Hills Market. (We ordered it right before Oprah featured these delicious better-than-fair-trade chocolates in the February 2011 edition of her magazine. And, well, when Oprah likes something, it may be a little difficult to get at first.) You may know Askinosie from a perusal of our Jeni's case. She uses a special blend of this chocolate in her Askinosie Dark Milk Chocolate Ice Cream. So why do we say better-than-fair-trade? Not only do the folks at Askinosie pay a fair wage to their farmers, they share a part of their profits with them. Very awesome, we think. And we're proud to be a part of the cycle of good. Stop by and pick up a sample or two today. These bars make a perfect gift or special treat.

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