Team Bowman vs. Team Landes: The Big Game

You may have noticed that we've been somewhat divided here at The Hills Market recently. Half of our Professional Foodies and Customer Service specialists have been identifying with a certain "Team Bowman," and the other half with "Team Landes." These teams, in honor of Bowman & Landes Free-Range Turkeys, put on our first-ever Hills Market Turkey Bowl. Look below to see a few images of the football game - and to find out which team turned out victorious.

Team Bowman (Brittany, Kenny, Sam and Woody) line up at the line of scrimmage.

Team Landes (Jen and Billy) complete a hand-off.

Team Bowman goes for the tackle.

It proves to be difficult.

After an interception, Woody goes for a long pass.

A big tackle.

A half time pep talk. As expected, Team Bowman is down by 7. (Team Landes is favored to win by 14.)

Team Landes takes a knee when the score becomes tied: 21 to 21. Coach is angry.

A third quarter tackle brings Team Landes ahead once more.

Kenny drops back for a pass.

In an amazing feat of athleticism, Sam catches for a touchdown and a two point conversion.

Jen leads the team down the field, but comes up short in the end.

Woody shows that experience is valuable in this close game. Another touchdown for Team Bowman!

They're ahead, but they're still fighting.

In a startling upset, Team Bowman finishes the game with a win: 43 to 21.


Although they're rivals, they're still friends. (All in the name of good turkey.) Call our Butcher Shop to order yours today: 614.846.3220.

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